Tuesday, September 6, 2016

A Selfie of Day One!

Our first day of school was filled with laughter, curiosity, and excitement for the year ahead of us! Our young students came in ready to work. We talked about the exciting year ahead.

This morning they filled out a resume so I could get to know them better. I asked them to share what they are good at, their weaknesses, and what makes them unique. I was curious to know the favorite thing about their bedroom, things that make them happy or worry, as well as what they want to be when they grow up. I look forward to reading their thinking over the weekend! Then we had our agent in training ceremony in which the agent number chose the student. Every year, similar to Harry Potter and the sorting hat, students come up to the table and pick a stick out of the sorting mug. The agent number that comes out is his or her number for the year. Then I get to learn everyone's name and number! We discussed our creed and got to investigate several staff members who came to visit us.

After this activity we headed to the cafeteria to learn about procedures for lunch and recess. This year our school is continuing to use the PBIS model (http://www.pbis.org/) to help bring success and positive behavior to our school culture. With the PBIS model we do a lot of talking about caring about ourselves, others, and our school. Click here to see our classroom matrix.
We spent some time getting to know our classroom. We learned about Where Am I-which is a weekly guessing activity that challenges student's state knowledge. We discovered we have a lot of books in our classroom. Students saw we had a bothering box and a smile o gram box. The bothering box is a great place for students to put things in when they are being bothered or need help problem solving. Please encourage your agent to use it throughout the year! The smile o gram box is a place for students to write compliments to classmates when they catch each other doing a good deed. Students then moved to their tool section of the classroom and saw the lunch board/assignment bins. I pointed out the common core bulletin board, which focuses on everything we will be learning this year.

Students then noticed we had a white board table. We had a presentation on classroom guidelines and routines. Click here to see it! We completed our classroom tour and returned to our seats. You might have heard, but yes we have a microwave in which students can heat up lunch (no popcorn though).

Students then created shelf markers for our library. They are allowed to take out two books to leave in their book boxes and also have a classroom library card to take books home. Please make sure your child returns the book when he or she is finished. If you ever need book suggestions please do not hesitate to ask. Students received a whole lot of materials too!

Before lunch we had our read aloud. Today we read Everyone Poops and The Gas We Pass. We then had a serious conversation about bathroom etiquette and hand washing, as well as what to do when you have to pass gas in school. The words excuse me is great and the rest of us continue with whatever we are working on. There is no need to laugh or wonder where it came from.  Tomorrow students will hear The Holes in Your Nose. Students had PE with Mr. Dunlea and we celebrated Julia’s birthday.

We had to activities today to create our hallway bulletin boards. The first asked students to create a visible selfie. You might be wondering what that means. Click here to learn more! Tomorrow we will do some goal setting and discuss what it means to be successful in school. We will create tweets of our goals, learning about how many characters Twitter actually allows. Students certainly do reach for the stars in A113! I hope they all reach their goals by June! Thank you for sharing your most precious gift with me and welcoming me into your lives.

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