Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Ask Before You Post That Pic!

There is an important question I ask students every day! I am modeling a true understanding of digital citizenship and digital privacy. Before I take a picture I ask students if I can take the photo to share with their fans. I also give students the option of either being in the photo or just sharing their work with our global community. It is very the photo is shared on various social media sites. This gives students (and your friends) the choice and voice and control over where their digital footprint extends. I also want my young students to get into the habit of asking others to take photos and share them. This is their world, and it is vastly changing with the addition of new sharing apps they are exposed to. I strongly encourage parents to model this question with their own children, especially as they grow and begin to understand what a digital footprint is and how it affects them.Everyone needs to remember to THINK before they post!


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