Friday, September 13, 2019

GSuite Keeps You On Your Toes: Adding or Creating in Google Classroom

This morning when students were creating vision boards in Google classroom I introduced them to the Mark as Done feature. Getting students into the routine to mark their work complete in an online setting takes time, as it is a new to them. I tell them it is like putting their physical assignments in a hand in bin.

Today when I showed each individual student how to mark as done as he or she completed his or her work, I noticed something new about Google classroom. I was excited because apparently Google classroom changed how students can add their own work to assignments in Google classroom.

There is now a large add or create button, giving students the opportunity to add something to their assignments or create something in an assignment.

Upon clicking the button we noticed there were lots of options to add or create in an assignment in Google classroom. 

This feature is more user friendly than what was there previously and easy to explain to students. I always tell learners of GSuite you never know when something will change on you! GSuite keeps us on our toes and helps us teach students how to be flexible and fluid with their thinking when things look differently.

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