Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Chasing Our Red Rubber Ball Ends with a Screencast!

At the beginning of the year we started our Rules of the Red Rubber Ball project. Last year it was something I rushed to have the kids finish as the end of the year crept up on me. This year I was determined to not go that route as I felt it was an important piece of the work we do. This project integrates content areas (reading, writing, technology) with a deep level of thinking that asks students to reflect on their passions to figure out what dream they could chase. This year our project brought Kevin Carroll into our classroom to discuss his ideas with students, which was a HUGE motivator to finish this project and our agents to work even harder. He inspired us to look inside ourselves. In his book, The Rules of the Red Rubber Ball, he reminds us we have 86,400 seconds every day for new opportunities. His rules provide the foundation for us to make the most of those seconds. I hope our agents continue to follow their dreams, remember to play, and try new things in those 86,400 seconds. I will keep on learning and changing things to meet the needs of learners.

In the spirit of following my red rubber ball the students and I created the first ever agent screencast of our thinking about: what we are chasing, how we can make the most of each day, how we can avoid negativity, and advice for others to follow their red rubber ball.

Enjoy! We hope you keep following your red rubber ball no matter how old you are!

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