Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Writing Better Beginnings

It was so nice to be greeted by smiling faces this morning! They seemed to have a great two days and the reports I got were glowing! We started our day with social studies, discussing the hierarchies within our Pre-Columbian Civilizations. We talked about nobles, commoners, and serfs/slaves. Students realized this was something you were born into. We watched a short video to learn more about the downfall of these civilizations. 

We continued our discussion learning about two famous conquistadors and how European explorers brought back cocoa to Europe. We watched a short video about how chocolate was made back then too!

Then we transition to writing. Students are learning five strategies to change boring beginnings into entertaining beginnings. Often they will start with One day . . . We discussed how readers love to be enticed by the narrative’s opening. I used the examples of a tree falling in a park. I then wrote the same beginning with four different starting techniques. 

 Fill in the blank: One day I went to the park and saw a ___________.

Choose 2 strategies and rewrite the beginnings.

A sound: CRASH! Suddenly a loud noise filled the sky. I glanced over my shoulder to see a giant tree speckled with fall colors of burnt orange and yellow heading towards the little boy on the slide. My mind raced as my legs pushed me forward. No sound escaped my lips, but I reached the boy and snatched him up. The tree landed on the ground with a loud thud inches from my toes. 

Dialogue: “Hey did you see the Patriots wiiiiiinnnnn. . .” Suddenly a loud noise filled the sky. I glanced over my shoulder to see a giant tree speckled with fall colors of burnt orange and yellow heading towards the little boy on the slide. My mind raced as my legs pushed me forward. No sound escaped my lips, but I reached the boy and snatched him up. The tree landed on the ground with a loud thud inches from my toes. 

An action: Racing over to the jungle gym my eyes filled with angst as I was not sure I would make it across. I did not have much time to think. Suddenly a loud noise filled the sky. I glanced over my shoulder to see a giant tree speckled with fall colors of burnt orange and yellow heading towards the little boy on the slide. My mind raced as my legs pushed me forward. No sound escaped my lips, but I reached the boy and snatched him up. The tree landed on the ground with a loud thud inches from my toes. 

Thought or Question: I began to wonder what play structure I would go on today as my feet sunk into the sand. Suddenly a loud noise filled the sky. I glanced over my shoulder to see a giant tree speckled with fall colors of burnt orange and yellow heading towards the little boy on the slide. My mind raced as my legs pushed me forward. No sound escaped my lips, but I reached the boy and snatched him up. The tree landed on the ground with a loud thud inches from my toes.  OR

Did you hear that? Suddenly a loud noise filled the sky. I glanced over my shoulder to see a giant tree speckled with fall colors of burnt orange and yellow heading towards the little boy on the slide. My mind raced as my legs pushed me forward. No sound escaped my lips, but I reached the boy and snatched him up. The tree landed on the ground with a loud thud inches from my toes.

Students were then tasked to write two different beginnings. I encourage you to ask your agent what he or she wrote about!

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